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Everywhere, OH, NC, GA, United States

Monday, April 26, 2010


Me and my ex-boyfriend Frank circa 2007

I don't claim to be a relationship expert and I don't claim to know it all about relationships. This weekend me and my girlfriends were having Slushy Saturdays and conversation turned into our personal relationships. Now I know what you think Im getting ready to bash our respective men, but that is not the case. I just believe that because we as indivduals get wrapped up in relationship that we don't see our faults as clear as outsiders.

I believe that in relationships you should end the way you start. But a lot of times we get comfortable and stop doing the things we did at the beginning of our relationships. Relationships are work. In order for you to succeed in a relationship you have to work on it. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

But on the flip side of this If someone shows you who they are, believe them. Basically, this means that if your in a relationship with someone and they give you so many reasons why they aren't right for you, move on. Why stay with someone if you are not happy or there are more downs then ups? I know, I know.....You cant tell someone about their relationship. A person has to experience life for themselves. But my friends like to ask for advice over and over. But never take suggestions. WTF? I Hate That Ish......Why ask me my opinion to compeletely do the opposite every single time. Last time I check I was the one with a degree in Psychology. I dont claim to know everything and I have made lots of mistakes in my past. But I am friendly with every one of my ex's. Because no matter what I dont believe in having Hate in my heart for no one. If it was not meant to be, I dont have any regrets. I always want the best for each and everyone of them.

I recently reconnected with on of my exes. To be honest, he is my what if. What if we never broke up? What if I found him when he was single? What if we are meant for each other? But I had a ephihany last night that I would not dwell on the past and if he his meant to be my "husband" like my mom believes then so be it. I believe that relationships help us find our strengths and weaknesses. But Get Real and Realize That Relationships Take Work. Dont Play With People Emotions.

P.S. I did get Frank's permission to use that photo.

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